QB INFORMATION GKSPHONEv2 Custom AppMaking a special application for Gksphone v2
App settings to be added to the AppStore section in gksphone/config/config.json
name => The name of the app that will appear on the phone
categori => In which category the app will appear ( jobs, mix, social, finance )
appurl => You should write the file path of the resource you want to run in the application ( If you want to add a site, make sure it has iframe support )
url => Don't touch this part
blockedjobs => Jobs that will not see the app
allowjob => Only jobs that can see this application
Copy {
"name": "Custom App",
"icons": "/html/img/icons/qbit.png",
"categori": "mix",
"appurl": "https://cfx-nui-gksphone-app/ui/index.html",
"url": "/customapp",
"blockedjobs": {
"police": "police"
"allowjob": {
"ambulance": "ambulance"
"signal": true,
"show": true
You can access the custom app template on github and start making the app you want
Open App
Add this client and this will be triggered every time you enter the application.
Copy RegisterNUICallback('getInfo', function(data, cb)
print("The function that will run when it enters the application")
To prevent walking while filling in input fields
Copy local data = true -- true or false
Copy <input type="text" onfocus="inputFocused(false)" onblur="inputFocused(true)">
async function inputFocused(value) {
//await NuiFetch("input", value);
You have to use this export instead of SendNUIMessage
Copy exports["gksphone"]:NuiSendMessage({event = 'showMessage', hello = "world"})
Copy window.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
if (!event.data) return;
const e = event.data
if (e.event === "showMessage") {
console.log(`Hello ${e.hello}!`)
Javascript UI
Copy document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
setTimeout(() => {
if (window.gksphone) {
console.log(`GKSPHONE functions available`)
}, 100);
Dark Mode Check
Copy const isDarkMode = window.gksphone.isDarkMode();
console.log(isDarkMode) // true or false
Loading Poup
Copy window.gksphone.loadingPopup("Loading...");
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000)
Copy var timeout = 2000
window.gksphone.notify("This is a notification message", timeout);
Copy const phoneNumber = "55555" // Number to call
const anonymous = false
window.gksphone.calling(phoneNumber, anonymous);
Video Call
Copy const phoneNumber = "55555" // Number to call
Last updated 2 months ago