
On this page you can access GKSCRAFT config file.

Config = {}

Config.Framework = "qbcore" -- qbcore, esx, esx1.1

if Config.Framework == "qbcore" then
    QBCore = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()
    Config.playerLoaded = "QBCore:Client:OnPlayerLoaded"
    Config.OnJobUpdate = "QBCore:Client:OnJobUpdate"
    Config.OnGangUpdate = "QBCore:Client:OnGangUpdate"
elseif Config.Framework == "esx" then
    ESX = exports['es_extended']:getSharedObject()
    Config.playerLoaded = "esx:playerLoaded"
    Config.OnJobUpdate = "esx:setJob"
elseif Config.Framework == "esx1.1" then
    ESX = nil
    Config.getSharedObject = "esx:getSharedObject"
    TriggerEvent(Config.getSharedObject, function(obj) ESX = obj end)
    Config.playerLoaded = "esx:playerLoaded"
    Config.OnJobUpdate = "esx:setJob"

Config.KeyMapping = "E"     --- Menu opening key ##
Config.RegisterCommand = "CraftOpen"  --- Opening with RegisterCommand
Config.Language = "EN" -- EN, TR, GER, FR, ITA,
Config.QBCoreMaxInventoryWeight = 120000 -- Max weight a player can carry (default 120kg, written in grams)
Config.FeatureXP = true  --- Set to true if you want to use XP system
Config.TurnOffJobs = false   --- set to true if you want to turn off job options
Config.TurnOffGangs = true   --- set to true if you want to turn off gang options (Applies to qb-core only.)
Config.ESXLimitSystem = false  --- Activate if there is an ESX inventory limit
Config.OXInventory = false   --- Activate if you are using ox_inventory
Config.ESXWeaponGunBullet = 30  -- If you want how many gun ammo just for ESX
Config.EarnXPOnCraftFailed = false --- Activate if you want XP to be earned if you fail in Craft
Config.CraftQueue = false        --- Set it to false if you want it to be able to generate at the same time
Config.CraftCountQueue = 1      -- How many items should the NPC be able to produce at the same time?
Config.NPCSeparate = false   -- If true, the craft should only be obtained from that NPC from which NPC it was made.
Config.Mail = false     -- Receiving mail after craft for gksphone or qb-phone

Config.WebhookURL = "Discord Webhook"   -- Enter a discord webhook url for the log

Config.CraftNPC = {
        id = 0,
        npcHash = 's_m_m_ammucountry',   --- NPC Hash
        coords = vector3(1414.83, 1117.62, 114.84),  --- NPC coordinate
        npcHeading = 85.93,
        npcName = "[E] Crafter",  -- NPC name
        jobonoff = false,       --- Set as true if jobs is to be checked
        jobs = {'unemployed'},  -- Which jobs will the NPC be able to see?
        gangonoff = false,
        gang = {'none'}
        id = 1,
        npcHash = 's_m_m_ammucountry',   --- NPC Hash
        coords = vector3(1415.09, 1120.51, 114.84),  --- NPC coordinate
        npcHeading = 85.93,
        npcName = "[E] Police Crafter",  -- NPC name
        jobonoff = true,    --- Set as true if jobs is to be checked
        jobs = {'police'},  -- Which jobs will the NPC be able to see?
        gangonoff = false,
        gang = {'none'}
        id = 2,
        npcHash = 's_m_m_ammucountry',   --- NPC Hash
        coords = vector3(1415.69, 1122.99, 114.84),  --- NPC coordinate
        npcHeading = 85.93,
        npcName = "[E] Gang Crafter",  -- NPC name
        jobonoff = false,     --- Set as true if jobs is to be checked
        jobs = {'unemployed'},  -- Which jobs will the NPC be able to see?
        gangonoff = true,    --- Set as true if gangs is to be checked
        gang = {'lostmc'} -- Which gangs will the NPC be able to see?

Config.Categori = {
        categorid = 0,         -- Make Category Id as +1 on each line
        npcid = 0,          -- Type NPC Id
        label = "Pistols",  -- Category display name
        jobonoff = false,      --- Set as true if jobs is to be checked
        jobs = {               -- Which Job can see this category
        gangonoff = false,  --- Set as true if gangs is to be checked
        gang = {'none'}     -- Which gang can see this category
        categorid = 1,
        npcid = 0,
        label = "Lightweight Rifles",
        jobonoff = false,
        jobs = {
        gangonoff = false,
        gang = {'none'}
        categorid = 2,
        npcid = 1,
        label = "Rifles",
        jobonoff = true,
        jobs = {
        gangonoff = false,
        gang = {'none'}
        categorid = 3,
        npcid = 1,
        label = "Sniper Rifle",
        jobonoff = true,
        jobs = {
        gangonoff = false,
        gang = {'none'}
        categorid = 4,
        npcid = 2,
        label = "Weapon Attachments",
        jobonoff = false,
        jobs = {
        gangonoff = true,
        gang = {'lostmc'}
        categorid = 5,
        npcid = 2,
        label = "Mechanic",
        jobonoff = false,
        jobs = {
        gangonoff = true,
        gang = {'lostmc'}
        categorid = 6,
        npcid = 2,
        label = "Others",
        jobonoff = false,
        jobs = {
        gangonoff = true,
        gang = {'lostmc'}
        categorid = 7,
        npcid = 1,
        label = "Police",
        jobonoff = true,
        jobs = {
        gangonoff = false,
        gang = {'none'}

Config.CraftItem = {
        id = 0,         -- Type the ID of the item to be crafted and set it to +1 on each line
        categorid = 0,  -- Type the ID number of the category you want it to appear in.
        itemname = "weapon_pistol",  -- spawn code of the item to be retrieved
        itemlabel = "Walther P99",    -- Name to appear on the menu
        level = 0,              -- At what level will the item be crafted?
        xp = 100,           -- How much XP will be given to the item
        time = 10,         -- How many seconds will it be crafted?,
        SuccessRate = 100, --  -- Probability of successful item production ( 90 = %90... )
        maxcount = 5,        -- The maximum number it can produce at a time
        required = {            -- Necessary materials
                label = 'Aluminium',
                itemname = "aluminum",
                amount = 1,
                blueprint = true        -- Items set as blueprint are not deleted
                label = 'Iron',
                itemname = "iron",
                amount = 10
                label = 'Plastic',
                itemname = "plastic",
                amount = 100
        jobonoff = false,            --- Set as true if jobs is to be checked
        jobs = {                    -- Which jobs will the Item be able to see?
        jobgrades = {0,1,2,3,4,5},
        gangonoff = false,          --- Set as true if gang is to be checked
        gang = {'none'},          -- Which gang will the Item be able to see?
        ganggrades = {0,1,2,3,4,5},
        id = 1,
        categorid = 0,
        itemname = "weapon_appistol",
        itemlabel = "AP Pistol",
        level = 1,
        xp = 150,
        time = 450, -- seconds,
        SuccessRate = 90, -- 100% you will recieve the item
        maxcount = 5,
        required = {
                label = 'Aluminium',
                itemname = "aluminum",
                amount = 1,
                blueprint = true        -- Items set as blueprint are not deleted
                label = 'Iron',
                itemname = "iron",
                amount = 10
                label = 'Plastic',
                itemname = "plastic",
                amount = 100
        jobonoff = false,      --- Set as true if jobs is to be checked
        jobs = {
        jobgrades = {0,1},
        gangonoff = false,
        gang = {'none'},
        ganggrades = {0,1},
        id = 2,
        categorid = 0,
        itemname = "weapon_heavypistol",
        itemlabel = "Heavy Pistol",
        level = 1,
        xp = 150,
        time = 450, -- seconds,
        SuccessRate = 80, -- 100% you will recieve the item
        maxcount = 5,
        required = {
                label = 'Aluminium',
                itemname = "aluminum",
                amount = 1,
                blueprint = true        -- Items set as blueprint are not deleted
                label = 'Iron',
                itemname = "iron",
                amount = 10
                label = 'Plastic',
                itemname = "plastic",
                amount = 100
        jobonoff = false,      --- Set as true if jobs is to be checked
        jobs = {
        jobgrades = {0,1},
        gangonoff = false,
        gang = {'none'},
        ganggrades = {0,1},
        id = 3,
        categorid = 0,
        itemname = "weapon_combatpistol",
        itemlabel = "Combat Pistol",
        level = 1,
        xp = 150,
        time = 450, -- seconds,
        SuccessRate = 70, -- 100% you will recieve the item
        maxcount = 5,
        required = {
                label = 'Aluminium',
                itemname = "aluminum",
                amount = 1,
                blueprint = true        -- Items set as blueprint are not deleted
                label = 'Iron',
                itemname = "iron",
                amount = 10
                label = 'Plastic',
                itemname = "plastic",
                amount = 100
        jobonoff = false,      --- Set as true if jobs is to be checked
        jobs = {
        jobgrades = {0,1},
        gangonoff = false,
        gang = {'none'},
        ganggrades = {0,1},
        id = 4,
        categorid = 1,
        itemname = "weapon_smg",
        itemlabel = "SMG",
        level = 1,
        xp = 150,
        time = 450, -- seconds,
        SuccessRate = 100, -- 100% you will recieve the item
        maxcount = 5,
        required = {
                label = 'Aluminium',
                itemname = "aluminum",
                amount = 1,
                blueprint = true        -- Items set as blueprint are not deleted
                label = 'Iron',
                itemname = "iron",
                amount = 10
                label = 'Plastic',
                itemname = "plastic",
                amount = 100
        jobonoff = false,      --- Set as true if jobs is to be checked
        jobs = {
        jobgrades = {0,1},
        gangonoff = false,
        gang = {'none'},
        ganggrades = {0,1},
        id = 5,
        categorid = 1,
        itemname = "weapon_microsmg",
        itemlabel = "Micro SMG",
        level = 1,
        xp = 150,
        time = 450, -- seconds,
        SuccessRate = 100, -- 100% you will recieve the item
        maxcount = 5,
        required = {
                label = 'Aluminium',
                itemname = "aluminum",
                amount = 1,
                blueprint = true        -- Items set as blueprint are not deleted
                label = 'Iron',
                itemname = "iron",
                amount = 10
                label = 'Plastic',
                itemname = "plastic",
                amount = 100
        jobonoff = false,      --- Set as true if jobs is to be checked
        jobs = {
        jobgrades = {0,1},
        gangonoff = false,
        gang = {'none'},
        ganggrades = {0,1},
        id = 6,
        categorid = 1,
        itemname = "weapon_assaultsmg",
        itemlabel = "Assault SMG",
        level = 1,
        xp = 150,
        time = 450, -- seconds,
        SuccessRate = 100, -- 100% you will recieve the item
        maxcount = 5,
        required = {
                label = 'Aluminium',
                itemname = "aluminum",
                amount = 1,
                blueprint = true        -- Items set as blueprint are not deleted
                label = 'Iron',
                itemname = "iron",
                amount = 10
                label = 'Plastic',
                itemname = "plastic",
                amount = 100
        jobonoff = false,      --- Set as true if jobs is to be checked
        jobs = {
        jobgrades = {0,1},
        gangonoff = false,
        gang = {'none'},
        ganggrades = {0,1},
        id = 7,
        categorid = 1,
        itemname = "weapon_minismg",
        itemlabel = "Mini SMG",
        level = 1,
        xp = 150,
        time = 450, -- seconds,
        SuccessRate = 100, -- 100% you will recieve the item
        maxcount = 5,
        required = {
                label = 'Aluminium',
                itemname = "aluminum",
                amount = 1,
                blueprint = true        -- Items set as blueprint are not deleted
                label = 'Iron',
                itemname = "iron",
                amount = 10
                label = 'Plastic',
                itemname = "plastic",
                amount = 100
        jobonoff = false,      --- Set as true if jobs is to be checked
        jobs = {
        jobgrades = {0,1},
        gangonoff = false,
        gang = {'none'},
        ganggrades = {0,1},
        id = 8,
        categorid = 2,
        itemname = "weapon_assaultrifle",
        itemlabel = "Assault Rifle",
        level = 2,
        xp = 200,
        time = 600, -- seconds,
        SuccessRate = 100, -- 100% you will recieve the item
        maxcount = 5,
        required = {
                label = 'Aluminium',
                itemname = "aluminum",
                amount = 1,
                blueprint = true        -- Items set as blueprint are not deleted
                label = 'Iron',
                itemname = "iron",
                amount = 10
                label = 'Plastic',
                itemname = "plastic",
                amount = 100
        jobonoff = true,      --- Set as true if jobs is to be checked
        jobs = {
        jobgrades = {0,1,2,3,4},
        gangonoff = false,
        gang = {'none'},
        ganggrades = {0,1},
        id = 9,
        categorid = 2,
        itemname = "weapon_carbinerifle",
        itemlabel = "Carbine Rifle",
        level = 2,
        xp = 200,
        time = 600, -- seconds,
        SuccessRate = 100, -- 100% you will recieve the item
        maxcount = 5,
        required = {
                label = 'Aluminium',
                itemname = "aluminum",
                amount = 1,
                blueprint = true        -- Items set as blueprint are not deleted
                label = 'Iron',
                itemname = "iron",
                amount = 10
                label = 'Plastic',
                itemname = "plastic",
                amount = 100
        jobonoff = true,      --- Set as true if jobs is to be checked
        jobs = {
        jobgrades = {0,1,2,3,4},
        gangonoff = false,
        gang = {'none'},
        ganggrades = {0,1},
        id = 10,
        categorid = 2,
        itemname = "weapon_bullpuprifle",
        itemlabel = "Bullpup Rifle",
        level = 2,
        xp = 200,
        time = 600, -- seconds,
        SuccessRate = 100, -- 100% you will recieve the item
        maxcount = 5,
        required = {
                label = 'Aluminium',
                itemname = "aluminum",
                amount = 1,
                blueprint = true        -- Items set as blueprint are not deleted
                label = 'Iron',
                itemname = "iron",
                amount = 10
                label = 'Plastic',
                itemname = "plastic",
                amount = 100
        jobonoff = true,      --- Set as true if jobs is to be checked
        jobs = {
        jobgrades = {0,1,2,3,4},
        gangonoff = false,
        gang = {'none'},
        ganggrades = {0,1},
        id = 11,
        categorid = 2,
        itemname = "weapon_advancedrifle",
        itemlabel = "Advanced Rifle",
        level = 2,
        xp = 200,
        time = 600, -- seconds,
        SuccessRate = 100, -- 100% you will recieve the item
        maxcount = 5,
        required = {
                label = 'Aluminium',
                itemname = "aluminum",
                amount = 1,
                blueprint = true        -- Items set as blueprint are not deleted
                label = 'Iron',
                itemname = "iron",
                amount = 10
                label = 'Plastic',
                itemname = "plastic",
                amount = 100
        jobonoff = true,      --- Set as true if jobs is to be checked
        jobs = {
        jobgrades = {0,1,2,3,4},
        gangonoff = false,
        gang = {'none'},
        ganggrades = {0,1},
        id = 12,
        categorid = 3,
        itemname = "weapon_sniperrifle",
        itemlabel = "Sniper Rifle",
        level = 3,
        xp = 250,
        time = 900, -- seconds,
        SuccessRate = 100, -- 100% you will recieve the item
        maxcount = 5,
        required = {
                label = 'Aluminium',
                itemname = "aluminum",
                amount = 1,
                blueprint = true        -- Items set as blueprint are not deleted
                label = 'Iron',
                itemname = "iron",
                amount = 10
                label = 'Plastic',
                itemname = "plastic",
                amount = 100
        jobonoff = true,      --- Set as true if jobs is to be checked
        jobs = {
        jobgrades = {0,1,2,3,4},
        gangonoff = false,
        gang = {'none'},
        ganggrades = {0,1},
        id = 13,
        categorid = 3,
        itemname = "weapon_heavysniper",
        itemlabel = "Heavy Sniper",
        level = 3,
        xp = 250,
        time = 900, -- seconds,
        SuccessRate = 100, -- 100% you will recieve the item
        maxcount = 5,
        required = {
                label = 'Aluminium',
                itemname = "aluminum",
                amount = 1,
                blueprint = true        -- Items set as blueprint are not deleted
                label = 'Iron',
                itemname = "iron",
                amount = 10
                label = 'Plastic',
                itemname = "plastic",
                amount = 100
        jobonoff = true,      --- Set as true if jobs is to be checked
        jobs = {
        jobgrades = {0,1},
        gangonoff = true,
        gang = {'none'},
        ganggrades = {0,1},
        id = 14,
        categorid = 3,
        itemname = "weapon_marksmanrifle",
        itemlabel = "Marksman Rifle",
        level = 3,
        xp = 250,
        time = 900, -- seconds,
        SuccessRate = 100, -- 100% you will recieve the item
        maxcount = 5,
        required = {
                label = 'Aluminium',
                itemname = "aluminum",
                amount = 1,
                blueprint = true        -- Items set as blueprint are not deleted
                label = 'Iron',
                itemname = "iron",
                amount = 10
                label = 'Plastic',
                itemname = "plastic",
                amount = 100
        jobonoff = true,      --- Set as true if jobs is to be checked
        jobs = {
        jobgrades = {0,1,2,3,4},
        gangonoff = false,
        gang = {'none'},
        ganggrades = {0,1},
        id = 15,
        categorid = 4,
        itemname = "pistol_extendedclip",
        itemlabel = "Pistol EXT Clip",
        level = 4,
        xp = 300,
        time = 1050, -- seconds,
        SuccessRate = 100, -- 100% you will recieve the item
        maxcount = 5,
        required = {
                label = 'Aluminium',
                itemname = "aluminum",
                amount = 1,
                blueprint = true        -- Items set as blueprint are not deleted
                label = 'Iron',
                itemname = "iron",
                amount = 10
                label = 'Plastic',
                itemname = "plastic",
                amount = 100
        jobonoff = false,      --- Set as true if jobs is to be checked
        jobs = {
        jobgrades = {0,1,2,3,4},
        gangonoff = true,
        gang = {'lostmc'},
        ganggrades = {0,1,2,3},
        id = 16,
        categorid = 4,
        itemname = "pistol_flashlight",
        itemlabel = "Pistol Flashlight",
        level = 4,
        xp = 300,
        time = 1050, -- seconds,
        SuccessRate = 100, -- 100% you will recieve the item
        maxcount = 5,
        required = {
                label = 'Aluminium',
                itemname = "aluminum",
                amount = 1,
                blueprint = true        -- Items set as blueprint are not deleted
                label = 'Iron',
                itemname = "iron",
                amount = 10
                label = 'Plastic',
                itemname = "plastic",
                amount = 100
        jobonoff = false,      --- Set as true if jobs is to be checked
        jobs = {
        jobgrades = {0,1,2,3,4},
        gangonoff = true,
        gang = {'lostmc'},
        ganggrades = {0,1,2,3},
        id = 17,
        categorid = 4,
        itemname = "pistol_suppressor",
        itemlabel = "Pistol Suppressor",
        level = 4,
        xp = 300,
        time = 1050, -- seconds,
        SuccessRate = 100, -- 100% you will recieve the item
        maxcount = 5,
        required = {
                label = 'Aluminium',
                itemname = "aluminum",
                amount = 1,
                blueprint = true        -- Items set as blueprint are not deleted
                label = 'Iron',
                itemname = "iron",
                amount = 10
                label = 'Plastic',
                itemname = "plastic",
                amount = 100
        jobonoff = false,      --- Set as true if jobs is to be checked
        jobs = {
        jobgrades = {0,1,2,3,4},
        gangonoff = true,
        gang = {'lostmc'},
        ganggrades = {0,1,2,3},
        id = 18,
        categorid = 5,
        itemname = "repairkit",
        itemlabel = "Repairkit",
        level = 5,
        xp = 350,
        time = 1200, -- seconds,
        SuccessRate = 100, -- 100% you will recieve the item
        maxcount = 5,
        required = {
                label = 'Aluminium',
                itemname = "aluminum",
                amount = 1,
                blueprint = true        -- Items set as blueprint are not deleted
                label = 'Iron',
                itemname = "iron",
                amount = 10
                label = 'Plastic',
                itemname = "plastic",
                amount = 100
        jobonoff = false,      --- Set as true if jobs is to be checked
        jobs = {
        jobgrades = {0,1,2,3,4},
        gangonoff = true,
        gang = {'lostmc'},
        ganggrades = {0,1,2,3},
        id = 19,
        categorid = 5,
        itemname = "cleaningkit",
        itemlabel = "Cleaning Kit",
        level = 5,
        xp = 350,
        time = 1200, -- seconds,
        SuccessRate = 100, -- 100% you will recieve the item
        maxcount = 5,
        required = {
                label = 'Aluminium',
                itemname = "aluminum",
                amount = 1,
                blueprint = true        -- Items set as blueprint are not deleted
                label = 'Iron',
                itemname = "iron",
                amount = 10
                label = 'Plastic',
                itemname = "plastic",
                amount = 100
        jobonoff = false,      --- Set as true if jobs is to be checked
        jobs = {
        jobgrades = {0,1,2,3,4},
        gangonoff = true,
        gang = {'lostmc'},
        ganggrades = {0,1,2,3},
        id = 20,
        categorid = 7,
        itemname = "handcuffs",
        itemlabel = "Handcuffs",
        level = 6,
        xp = 400,
        time = 1350, -- seconds,
        SuccessRate = 100, -- 100% you will recieve the item
        maxcount = 5,
        required = {
                label = 'Aluminium',
                itemname = "aluminum",
                amount = 1,
                blueprint = true        -- Items set as blueprint are not deleted
                label = 'Iron',
                itemname = "iron",
                amount = 10
                label = 'Plastic',
                itemname = "plastic",
                amount = 100
        jobonoff = true,      --- Set as true if jobs is to be checked
        jobs = {
        jobgrades = {0,1},
        gangonoff = false,
        gang = {'none'},
        ganggrades = {0,1},
        id = 21,
        categorid = 6,
        itemname = "parachute",
        itemlabel = "Parachute",
        level = 6,
        xp = 400,
        time = 1350, -- seconds,
        SuccessRate = 100, -- 100% you will recieve the item
        maxcount = 5,
        required = {
                label = 'Aluminium',
                itemname = "aluminum",
                amount = 1,
                blueprint = true        -- Items set as blueprint are not deleted
                label = 'Iron',
                itemname = "iron",
                amount = 10
                label = 'Plastic',
                itemname = "plastic",
                amount = 100
        jobonoff = false,      --- Set as true if jobs is to be checked
        jobs = {
        jobgrades = {0,1,2,3,4},
        gangonoff = true,
        gang = {'lostmc'},
        ganggrades = {0,1,2,3},
        id = 22,
        categorid = 6,
        itemname = "lighter",
        itemlabel = "Lighter",
        level = 6,
        xp = 400,
        time = 1350, -- seconds,
        SuccessRate = 100, -- 100% you will recieve the item
        maxcount = 5,
        required = {
                label = 'Aluminium',
                itemname = "aluminum",
                amount = 1,
                blueprint = true        -- Items set as blueprint are not deleted
                label = 'Iron',
                itemname = "iron",
                amount = 10
                label = 'Plastic',
                itemname = "plastic",
                amount = 100
        jobonoff = false,      --- Set as true if jobs is to be checked
        jobs = {
        jobgrades = {0,1,2,3,4},
        gangonoff = true,
        gang = {'lostmc'},
        ganggrades = {0,1,2,3},
        id = 23,
        categorid = 7,
        itemname = "diving_gear",
        itemlabel = "Diving Gear",
        level = 6,
        xp = 400,
        time = 1350, -- seconds,
        SuccessRate = 100, -- 100% you will recieve the item
        maxcount = 5,
        required = {
                label = 'Aluminium',
                itemname = "aluminum",
                amount = 1,
                blueprint = true        -- Items set as blueprint are not deleted
                label = 'Iron',
                itemname = "iron",
                amount = 10
                label = 'Plastic',
                itemname = "plastic",
                amount = 100
        jobonoff = true,      --- Set as true if jobs is to be checked
        jobs = {
        jobgrades = {0,1,2,3,4},
        gangonoff = false,
        gang = {'none'},
        ganggrades = {0,1},

Config.Level = {  --- Level and XP adjustment options
        level = 0,
        xp = 0
        level = 1,
        xp = 1000
        level = 2,
        xp = 2000
        level = 3,
        xp = 3000
        level = 4,
        xp = 4000
        level = 5,
        xp = 5000
        level = 6,
        xp = 6000
        level = 7,
        xp = 7000
        level = 8,
        xp = 8000
        level = 9,
        xp = 9000
        level = 10,
        xp = 10000
        level = 11,
        xp = 11000
        level = 12,
        xp = 12000

Last updated