On this page you will find installation instructions for the GKSPHONE V2 version.
Last updated
On this page you will find installation instructions for the GKSPHONE V2 version.
Last updated
If you are transferring files using FTP transfer your files using winscp program. Filezilla transfers files as corrupted.
If you are switching from v1 to v2, you need to remove the gksphone_* tables in the database.
Create a [phone] folder inside the main source file and extract the files in the zip to this folder.
If you are using ox_inventory, follow the steps on the documentation page
Activate unique and useable in qb-core/shared/items.lua
Before running the SQL file, make sure to delete all tables starting with gksphone_
in your database.
Run the gksphone/gksphonev2.sql file into your database.
Correct "Config.Framework"
to esx or qb depending on the framework you are using
You can use any media service you want. The media upload systems we recommend are GKS Media, Fivemerr and Fivemanage.
You must write your gksphone purchase tbx-id in Cfg.TebexTransactionID in serverconfig.lua file. If you don't know tbx-id, check your tebex purchase history.
If you lose your Tebex ID, we will not be able to help you find it.
For Discord webhook, you only need to enter the Discord webhooks of the applications you want to log in this section of the serverconfig.lua file. For Fivemanage it is enough to have fmsdk installed
Just start the phone file is enough.