Frequently Asked Questions
My keymaster has been hacked, can you transfer the phone to me?
Unfortunately we can't transfer assets between keymaster accounts, even if you have been hacked. Please contact Cfx.re support(opens in a new tab)
I can't find my transaction id
You can find your transaction id at https://checkout.tebex.io/payment-history/login
I would like to cancel my subscription
You can manage your subscription at https://checkout.tebex.io/payment-history/login
When checking out, it says "payment declined"
If your payment got declined there is nothing we can do. It usually fixes itself if you try later, or it might mean you have been banned from Tebex. Try using another payment method, credit card, device, or a different IP (for example try using a VPN). Alternatively, you can have a friend purchase and transfer the asset to you.
How do I get a Discord role?
Read our article about Discord
Last updated