You will find server events of our phone that you can use in this page.
Adding stock market coins
source : Player ID
coinid : In gksphone\config.lua there is a coinid in "Config.Crytos".
amount : Coin amount
local cryptoadd = exports["gksphone"]:cryptoadd(source, coinid, amount)
print(cryptoadd) => as true or false
Remove coins from stock market
source : Player ID
coinid : In gksphone\config.lua there is a coinid in "Config.Crytos".
amount : Coin amount
local cryptoremove = exports["gksphone"]:cryptoremove(source, coinid, amount)
print(cryptoremove) => as true or false
Find player id from phone number
local FindSource = exports["gksphone"]:GetSourceByPhone("PhoneNumber")
Find phone number with source
-- src => Player's ID
local src = source
local FindPhoneNumber = exports["gksphone"]:GetPhoneBySource(src)
How to use phone notification?
title : Notification title
message : Notification message
img : You can use icons from the phone or use .png or .jpg in a photo
duration : To set how long the notification stays (You must type the millisecond value) - default duration 5000
-- src => Player's ID
local src = source
local NotifData = {
title = "Notification header",
message = "Notification Message",
img = '/html/static/img/icons/messages.png',
duration = 5000
exports["gksphone"]:SendNotification(src, NotifData)
If you want a button with notification
buttonactive : Set to true to enable button
button : buttonEvent : Which client will be triggered
button : buttonData : data to add to button
-- src => Player's ID
local src = source
local MailData = {
sender = 'GKSHOP',
image = '/html/static/img/icons/mail.png',
subject = "GKSPHONE",
message = 'TEST'
exports["gksphone"]:SendNewMail(src, MailData)
Send Offline Mail
-- PlayerId => QB Citizen Id
local PlayerId = source
local MailData = {
sender = 'GKSHOP',
image = '/html/static/img/icons/mail.png',
subject = "GKSPHONE",
message = 'TEST'
exports["gksphone"]:SendNewMailOffline(PlayerId, MailData)
Specific Number
This function is an event that works for the phone numbers you specify "Config.SpecificNumber" in config.lua.
RegisterNetEvent('gksphone:server:specificNumber', function(source, phoneNumber)
---- You can add the function you want to do to this part
New Billing
-- src => Player's ID
-- label => Billing description
-- society => By which job the billingwas created
-- senderBilling => Who is the person sending the billing?
-- senderID => ESX Identifier of the billing originator
-- amount => Billing price
local src = source
local label = "Excessive Speed"
local society = "police"
local senderBilling = "GKSHOP XENKNIGHT" -- Player Name
local senderID = "char1:4b110a7811" -- xPlayer.identifier
local amount = 500
exports["gksphone"]:NewBilling(src, label, society, senderBilling, senderID, amount)
Changing Phone Number
Changing the player's phone number
-- src => Player's ID
-- newNumber => new phone number (phone number must be string)
local src = source
local newNumber = "5555555"
exports["gksphone"]:NumberChange(src, newNumber)