
On this page you will find the most frequently asked questions about our phone esx version and their answers.

1. Ox_inventory

ox_inventory/modules/items/client.lua delete the phone function on line 132 - 140 in section


ox_inventory/main/client.lua delete the phone function on line 1231-1237 in section


Add the item in the following example to ox_inventory/data/items.lua

If there is phone in items.lua, remove it

	['phone'] = {
		label = 'Phone',
		weight = 190,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Very expensive phone",

	["iphone"] = {
		label = "iPhone",
		weight = 190,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Very expensive phone"

2. How do I send an ambulance dispatch after die?

The sample code below is adapted for qb-ambulancejob only If you have a different script, you have to adapt it yourself.

Find the "hospital:server:ambulanceAlert" function in qb-ambulancejob/client/dead.lua and laststand.lua then replace it with the following code.

local reportMessage = "Report Message"
local reportPhoto = "Image Link" or nil
local job = "ambulance" -- job code
local anonymous = false -- or true

exports["gksphone"]:SendDispatch(reportMessage, reportPhoto, job, anonymous)

3. How to disable an app on phone menu screen?

In the config.json file, you must set show = false to remove any application you want from the home screen.

4. How do I set the visibility of apps by jobs?

You can make the application you want visible to some jobs and invisible to others.

To make it visible, you must add it to the allowjob section as in the example below.

To make it invisible, you must make the same addition to the blockedjobs section.

5. How can I change the phone's start apps?

In order for an application to be available on the phone by default without having to install it from the App Gallery, startapp = true.

If you want an application not to be startapp, you should set it to " false ".

6. How to add filter in Advertising?

To add filters to the Advertising application, you can add filters like the examples below.

The order of the categories you write should be "jobname: filtername".

7. How do I add other jobs and questions to the job application in the Business application?

In this section, you can organize the jobs to be applied for and the questions to be asked in the job application.

In the JobApplication section, your addition format should be "jobname: visiblename"

8. How do I add new jobs to Business invoices in Business App?

Here you can add new jobs to commercial invoices in the invoice creation in the business application.

In the JobApplication section, your addition format should be "jobname: visiblename"

9. How do I set/add jobs use of the Business App?

You need to add a profession and set from which rank the professions can perform the functions in the business app.

All you have to do is copy the attached professions and change their jobname and rank levels.

10. How do I add a job to the Dispatch app?

Here add new jobs to our Dispatch application, you can add new jobs by referring to the examples here.

All you have to do is copy an attached job and edit the job name and job levels of the authorities in the application. Don't forget to enter your workplace coordinates.

You should write the icon image of the job you added as logo-jobname in the gksphone\html\img\jobs\ folder. This jobname must be the jobname you wrote in the config.lua file!

11. What are the registercommands on the phone?



Allows you to turn on the phone


It is used when the phone prop gets buggy

/twitterverify true/false username

Squawk yellow tick

/blocktwitter true/false

You can block sharing on Squawk

/bantwitter true/false username

You can ban or unlock a squawk user's account

/phonenewnumber id newphonenumber

You can give a person a unique phone number. (The person who is given a private number can use the new number by selecting it from the SIM application)

/adminauth true/false

So you can delete unwanted squawks or ads

12. How to fix license error or config.json file?

Check your config.json file. There may be a mistake. You can repair or see your error on this page.

13. How to set E-SIM operator names and package contents?

Open the gksphone/config/config.lua file and change the names of the places indicated by the arrows in the picture below.



You can write the package name here


You can write the package name here


If the SMS in the package runs out, the fee charged by your bank per SMS


If the Call/Min in the package runs out, the fee charged by your bank per SMS


If the Internet/GB in the package runs out, the fee charged by your bank per SMS


Fee for ordering a new number from the SIM application

After the operator names are changed, you need to edit the operator names in the package names!

Editing the package contents is your own personal preference.

The places marked with arrows must be the same as the operator names you edited, marked with arrows in the first picture. Package names, prices and contents are your own choice.

Last updated