
On this page you will find the most frequently asked questions about our phone esx version and their answers.

How to add new background photo in phone?

First, put the wallpaper you will add in gksphone\html\static\img\background

Then add the wallpaper in gksphone\html\static\config\config.json as in the example.

How to add new ringtone photo in phone?

First, put the wallpaper you will add in gksphone\html\static\sound

Then add the music in gksphone\html\static\config\config.json as in the example

How do I switch between incoming languages on the phone?

When you buy the phone, the phone reaches you fully compatible with 6 languages. If the language you want is outside of these languages, you have to translate it yourself.

You need to write the name of the file you have put in the gksphone\locale\ folder in config.lua.

You need to write the name of the file you have put in the gksphone\html\static\config\lang\ folder in config.json.

Lua language files must be in the gksphone\locale\ folder. The json language files should be in the gksphone\html\static\config\lang\ folder. Otherwise the language files won't work.

How do I send an ambulance dispatch after die?

You can send ambulance dispatch in two ways on our phone. With /911e (message) and "G" key after death. Add the following line of code to your ambulancejob script for the G key configuration.

The sample code below is adapted for esx_ambulancejob only If you have a different script, you have to adapt it yourself.

Find the SendDistressSignal() function in esx_ambulancejob/client/main.lua and replace it with the following code.

function SendDistressSignal()
    local label = "Emergency aid notification"
    exports["gksphone"]:JobDispatch(label, '', '["ambulance"]', false)

How to disable an app on phone menu screen?

Find application line in gksphone\html\static\config\config.json and set "show" to false

How do I change the name of an application?

Find application line in gksphone\html\static\config\config.json and set "name" to what ever want to name

How do I set the visibility of apps by jobs?

Inside the gksphone\html\static\config\config.json file you can do it like in below examples.

allowjob: You can make the application appear only in the jobs you want.

blockedjobs: You can close the application to the jobs you want.

How can I change the phone's startup apps?

If you want to increase or decrease the startup applications on your phone, you can setting in gksphone\html\static\config\config.json.

Don't forget to set the "show" feature to "false" in the AppStore section of the application you have added here. Likewise, add the application you will remove to the AppStore section and don't forget to set the "show" feature to "true".

How to add filter in Yellowpages?

There are 3 filters on the phone by default. You can increase or decrease them if you want. You can make your changes in the following section in gksphone\html\static\config\config.json

How do I set the set the positions of notify icons on the screen?

You can set the positions of the application icons on your screen (when the notification comes) as top and left in px in gksphone\html\static\config\config.json

How do I add a job to the Jobs app?

You will make your additions into gksphone\html\static\config\config.json.

label : The name of the profession to appear in the application jobname : Occupational codes of message recipients (you can add more than one) logoname : it's usually better to write job codes. (gksphone\html\static\img\jobs) add the pictures to the location we provide and give the name you named logoname (must be png) category: Write one of the category options you have set in JobCategory.

How to add extra category in Jobs app?

Do it as you see in the examples in the picture above, the first value is the job code, the second value is the text that will appear in the Jobs app.

How do I activate loaf house?

Find "Config.loafHouse" in gksphone/config.lua and set it to true.

After you need to find "House" application in the gksphone/html/static/config/config.json and set the show part to true.

What's in ConfigAPI.lua?

What's in Config.lua?

What's in Config.json?

What are the registercommands on the phone?

I forgot password, what should I do?

The person who forgets the password should delete the following file on his own computer.

Mouse stuck in the middle while using the phone. How can I fix?

Mouse Input Method : DirectInput should be set from in-game settings, Keyboard / Mouse category.

How to fix license error or config.json file?

Check your config.json file. There may be a mistake. You can repair or see your error on this page.

How to add image of items in Gotur and Ebay app

You need to add images of items to gks_gotur and gks_ebay/img folder.

How to change the phone numbers to be created?

File location: gksphone/server/serverAPI/serverAPI.lua

Find "GetPhoneRandomNumber" line in serverAPI.lua

You can reduce or shorten the number length by changing the numbers in random.

%07d => here replace digits based on number length

function GetPhoneRandomNumber()
  local numBase = math.random(1000000, 9999999) --Returns a number between 1000000 and 9999999.
  local num = string.format("%07d", numBase) 
  return num

--OUTPUT EXAMPLE: "1523657"

If you want to add a specific number to the beginning of the number

I added "05" to the beginning of the number as in the example below

function GetPhoneRandomNumber()
  local numBase = math.random(1000000, 9999999) --Returns a number between 1000000 and 9999999.
  local num = "05" ..string.format("%07d", numBase) -- %07d (only 7 numbers)
  return num

--OUTPUT EXAMPLE: "051523657"

If you want to put "-" sign between phone number, check below example

function GetPhoneRandomNumber()
  local numBase = math.random(1000, 9999) --Returns a number between 1000 and 9999.
  local numBase2 = math.random(0, 9999) --Returns a number between 0 and 9999.
  local num = string.format("%04d-%04d", numBase, numBase2) 
  return num

--OUTPUT EXAMPLE: "1567-1453"

How can I charge phone?

If you don't want to use the charging system on your phone, change the ChargeOn = true line to false in gksphone/charge/config.lua.

You can charge it in 2 ways using the charging system of our phone.

  • You can charge it with the powerbank item,

  • You can charge with our normal and fast charging stations.

How do I charge with the item?

You need to add the Powerbank item to your inventory.

File location: ox_inventory > data > items.lua

['powerbank'] = {
		label = 'Power Bank',
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		weight = 10,
		client = {
			event = 'gksphone:client:powerbank'

You can set how many percent the powerbank item will charge in how many seconds.

How do I charge with the charging stations?

You can find the charging station in any location on the map, go to it and press the "e" button to start the charging process.

We have placed normal and fast charging stations in some parts of the map for you. But you can move them wherever you want.

You can set how many percent per second the charging stations should charge, and how much fee should a 1 percent charge charge.

How do I set the signal system on the phone?

The signal system is that phone apps become unusable in some areas of the map. Don't forget that you need the polyzone script to use this script.

You can turn off the signal system by setting false in config.lua.

You can set which apps your players can and can't use when the phone signal is cut off.

You can enter in gksphone/html/static/config/config.json and set the signal line under the applications to true or false.

GetExtendedPlayers error

add the following code to the bottom line of es_extended > server > functions.lua

function ESX.GetExtendedPlayers(key, val)
  local xPlayers = {}
  for k, v in pairs(ESX.Players) do
    if key then
      if (key == 'job' and == val) or v[key] == val then
        xPlayers[#xPlayers + 1] = v
      xPlayers[#xPlayers + 1] = v
  return xPlayers

How to add phone item in ox_inventory?

Open "ox_inventory > data > items.lua" , you must add line below.

Search for phone in this file. If an item exists, replace it with the following code. If not, add it. In case of 2 phone items you will get an error.

['phone'] = {
        label = 'Phone',
        weight = 190,
        stack = false,
        consume = 0,
        client = {
            export = "gksphone.OpenPhone"

Esx Billing

Making esx_billing compatible for the new billing system

Clean the inside of esx_billing > server > main.lua and paste the code below. save the file at the end of this process and restart the server

This billing system only works with society The code below has only been tested with ESX Legacy and oxmysql.

If your system is not suitable, configure it yourself

AddEventHandler('esx_billing:sendBill', function(playerId, sharedAccountName, label, amount)
	if sharedAccountName == "" or sharedAccountName == "player" then
		xPlayer.showNotification("This invoice cannot be issued")
	local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
	local xTarget = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(playerId)
	local system = false
	local systemId = xPlayer.identifier
	local societyName = sharedAccountName:gsub("society_", "")
	amount = ESX.Math.Round(amount)

	if amount > 0 and xTarget and societyName then

		if source == playerId then
			system = true
		local name =
		if not system then
			if name == GetPlayerName(xPlayer.source) then
				name = xPlayer.get('firstName') .. ' ' .. xPlayer.get('lastName')
			name = "It is an invoice issued automatically by the system."
			systemId = "system"

		local newBilling = exports["gksphone"]:NewBilling(playerId, label, societyName, name, systemId, amount)
		if newBilling then
			if not system then
				xPlayer.showNotification("Bill has been invoiced")

ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_billing:getBills', function(source, cb)
	local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)

	MySQL.query('SELECT amount, id, label FROM gksphone_invoices WHERE citizenid = ?', {xPlayer.identifier},

ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_billing:getTargetBills', function(source, cb, target)
	local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(target)

	if xPlayer then
		MySQL.query('SELECT amount, id, label FROM gksphone_invoices WHERE citizenid = ?', {xPlayer.identifier},

ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_billing:payBill', function(source, cb, billId)
	local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)

	MySQL.single('SELECT sendercitizenid, society, amount FROM gksphone_invoices WHERE id = ?', {billId},
		if result then
			local amount = result.amount
			local xTarget = ESX.GetPlayerFromIdentifier(result.sendercitizenid)

				TriggerEvent('esx_addonaccount:getSharedAccount', "society_"..result.society, function(account)
					if xPlayer.getMoney() >= amount then
						MySQL.update('DELETE FROM gksphone_invoices WHERE id = ?', {billId},
							if rowsChanged == 1 then
								xPlayer.removeMoney(amount, "Bill Paid")

								xPlayer.showNotification(TranslateCap('paid_invoice', ESX.Math.GroupDigits(amount)))
								if xTarget then
									xTarget.showNotification(TranslateCap('received_payment', ESX.Math.GroupDigits(amount)))

					elseif xPlayer.getAccount('bank').money >= amount then
						MySQL.update('DELETE FROM gksphone_invoices WHERE id = ?', {billId},
							if rowsChanged == 1 then
								xPlayer.removeAccountMoney('bank', amount, "Bill Paid")
								xPlayer.showNotification(TranslateCap('paid_invoice', ESX.Math.GroupDigits(amount)))

								if xTarget then
									xTarget.showNotification(TranslateCap('received_payment', ESX.Math.GroupDigits(amount)))

						if xTarget then



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