Custom Wallpapers

If you want to add more default wallpapers for your players to choose from, you can do so by following these steps:

Step 1: Add Wallpaper Files

Place your wallpaper image files in the following directory:


Ensure the image files are appropriately named and saved in a compatible format (e.g., .jpg, .png).

Step 2: Add New Wallpaper Config.json

To add new wallpapers:

  1. Copy the relative path of the image file placed in the gksphone/html/img/wallpapers directory.

  2. Add a new entry under the Wallpapers section in the config.json file. Increment the key number for each new wallpaper.

Example: If you add a file named sunset.jpg, your updated Wallpapers section may look like this:

"Wallpapers": {
  "1": "/html/img/wallpapers/newphonedark.jpg",
  "11": "/html/img/wallpapers/sunset.jpg"

Restart the phone

After adding the images and updating the config, you need to restart the phone for the changes to take effect.

Last updated